Brisbane child welfare investigation
Brisbane child welfare investigation, evidence gathering, by a licensed private investigator. To investigate, phone 1300 966 103, email [email protected], or 24/7 online Contact Us, free quotes. Ex-Police and experienced private detectives.
Where you have child welfare concerns your first contact should be the Police, or Family Services. Unfortunately, where the concerns are linked to a Family Court matter, child custody, or child access, disputes, they generally decline to really investigate.
They expect you to present evidence, rather than take your word for something. For a Brisbane child welfare investigation, Brisbane child access investigation, use a licensed Brisbane private investigator. We are here to gather evidence.
A private investigator is an independent evidence gatherer. Our services are used to gather evidence to a Brisbane child custody dispute, a Brisbane child access dispute, or to force the Police, or Family Services, to act. The evidence gathered can be used with the Federal Circuit and Family Court, or Police; it is lawfully obtained.
We have experience in conducting a Brisbane child welfare investigation, Brisbane children at risk investigations, or preparing for Family Court matters. We are here to take an allegation, and turn it into a fact, with supporting evidence.
A private investigation, using a Qld licensed private investigator, is the lawful way to gather evidence to support your concerns, your suspicions, to establish that there is a basis to them. Call us when you need to investigate.