Brisbane Workers compensation investigations
We investigate Workers Comp claim suspicions, phone 1300 966 103, email us at [email protected], or 24/7 online Contact Us, free quotes. You suspect, we investigate.
Brisbane Workers Compensation investigation, Brisbane WorkCover investigations, using experienced, licensed, private investigators. A private investigation, where fraud is suspected, or a claim requires verification, is legal.
A Brisbane Workers Compensation investigation, Brisbane WorkCover investigation, is undertaken, generally, where there is suspicion from the start that a claim is fraudulent, or where there is a subsequent recognition that the claimant is using the insurance for their own purposes, and not 'recovering'. We investigate these.
We are not required where it is accepted the injury is real, the injured employee is working to get better, to improve, or there is no suspicion of fraud. The majority of cases do not require an investigation. We investigate where there is suspicion, where the insurance will not investigate, to protect the employer, the business.
Where you suspect Workers Compensation fraud, a Workers Comp scam, and require an investigation, Workers Compensation surveillance, call us; it is legal to investigate, conduct a private investigation, using a licensed private investigator.
There are those that see a Workers Comp claim as a 'get rich' scheme, or have the 'why work when you can be paid to stay home', build the 4wd for your big trip, start your own business, paint your house, become the children's primary carer, or whatever, entitlement system. When you suspect abuse, when the insurer won't engage because the claim is accepted, call us.
Once the claim is accepted the insurer becomes a return to work coordinator, and the client become the injured worker; this system works well for the real injured worker, however it is open to abuse by the less than honest. The onus falls back on the employer to prove fraud, once a claim is accepted.
A Brisbane Workers Compensation investigation, Brisbane Workers Compensation investigator, Brisbane private investigator investigation, is a way to gather evidence, to show the difference between claimed restrictions, and real world activities. What we do is legal; we have many years experience gather evidence of Workers Compensation fraud.
Where the claim is accepted, the insurance won't engage, and fraud is suspected, call us. We gather evidence to establish a reasonable suspicion of fraud, which may then be presented to the insurance provider. Always ask to speak to the fraud section, when presenting your evidence of fraud.