Brisbane Private Investigator Course, Private Investigation
So you want to be a private investigator? Well, becoming a private investigator in Queensland is relatively easy. You attend a course, obtain a certificate III in investigations, submit to a criminal history check, and pay your money to the Government, and hey presto, you are a private investigator.
Now, paying for, and finishing a private investigator course, a Certificate III in investigations, which can be done 'on line', and then scraping the money together for your criminal history check, plus paying the Government for your licence to try and earn a living (they don't miss you), is just the first step.
You then have to earn a living, to recover those costs, plus pay for the recording equipment, the laptop, the vehicle or vehicles (you will end up borrowing from family and friends, you can never have enough vehicles), the phone, the advertising. Your private investigator licence may cost a mint, but the Government is only interesting in taxing you, not in assisting you to earn a living.
Across Brisbane there is a small cadre of private investigators earning a good living, a larger group of Brisbane private investigators are surviving, and there are many more that paid for their licence once, and never renewed. Trying phoning a few, and you will find a lot of unanswered, or disconnected, phones.
To be clear, a private investigator licence does not entitle you to any special privileges, rights, or protections. A course will not, generally, be able to teach you to investigate, nor to conduct effective surveillance. Most investigators are older, there are some openings for younger private investigators, who can accept the feast and famine nature of the business, and have good work ethic.
You will mostly work as a sub-contractor, plus whatever work you can self generate; remember to operate within the law, and not take risks, or cut corners.
We do need younger investigators, we do not need corner cutting, gung ho, operators; hook up with some of the more experienced operatives, and learn from them. Be aware there are shonks, there are crooks, in every industry.
Patience is very much a virtue, in investigation; do not try and get all the answers in the first ten minutes, be flexible, take your time, and get all the available information.
Now, for the surveillance operative diabetes can be a risk. Make sure you exercise, avoid too much junk food, and drink plenty of water (plus take something with you, if you cannot get away for a toilet break); do not just sit there in the front seat, expecting no-one to notice.
Do your bit, develop some skills, and remember, you need more front than a rat with a gold tooth! Properly set up people will overlook you. You can ride the same train, the same bus, just change your clothes. Learn to use your mobile, as well as dedicated camera's.
We don't offer courses for private investigators, a Brisbane private investigator course. Our private investigators include ex-Police, Government trained, and experienced private investigators. When you need to investigate, to prove or disprove a theory, verify facts, establish fraud, investigate a relationship suspicion, to look at a Workers Compensation claim, to Investigate WorkCover fraud, call us, phone 1300 966 103.